Three years ago the same amount of friends (or fellow musicans at least) banded together in order to bring back old-school Speed Metal (as they themselves call it), as played by the likes of Motörhead […]
3rd Machine is a Dutch modern metal band whom I got familiar with in 2010 after the release of their last The Egotiator EP. The quintet has been active for more than a decade now, […]
Aegeon is, as far as I have been able to gather, a fairly new Finnish Atmospheric Black Metal duet, one that has taken the more melodious Black Metal sound from the nineties and mixed it […]
Hour of Anguish is an almost brand new Melodic Death Metal band, formed and presently consisting of a Swedish duet named Richard Lee and Andreas Henriksson. While those names mean absolutely nothing to me, after […]
As time has passed, I have gotten more accustomed to, and even enjoy, certain mixtures of genres (whereas I was heavily against it in the past). For instance, American-based VRTRA (I have no idea what […]
DrukNRoll is a band Russian Heavy Metal band who has been around for ten years now. In that time, they have kept themselves busy, releasing one EP and four full-length albums. The album that I […]
Gory Blister is an Italian quartet, the first of its kind that I have stumbled across who plays a very technical (and good) Death Metal. Now, normally I prefer my Death Metal very old-fashioned (no […]
As implied by the title of the album, IV: Beyond the Reef of Sanity is the fourth full-length release produced by Swedish Kayser and delivered by French Listenable Records. Now, this is the second time […]
Ruins is an Australian Black Metal duet that has been around for the last twelve years. In that time, they have been somewhat busy, having released a single EP as well as four full-length records. […]
I suppose that Unchained Reality can be considered the solo project of vocalist Koert Van Zon, seeing as how he is the driving force between the bands first ever release, full-length or otherwise. And, in […]
Founded in 1997, Harm (not to be confused with the German death metal band that shares the same name) are a metal trio from neighboring Norway. Earlier this year they presented their new sonic assault, […]
Temtris is a female-fronted dark heavy metal band hailing from the New South Wales in Australia. The band was founded in 2000 and Enter The Asylum is their fourth full-length album. The album features Wayne […]
Obsidian is the solo project of the drummer from the German Death Metal band Era Hex. By his own admission, it is meant as a means to create his own sound, of what hatred, death […]
Ex Animo is, as is often the case when it comes to the Gothic Metal genre, a female-fronted quintet, in this case one that hails from Ukraine. This does not hinder them in delivering the […]
Later this year, the eight installment in Danish Iron Fire’s discography will hit the stores. And, since zombies and zombie-inflicted apocalypses seem to be all the rage these days (in film and TV-series at least), […]
Aktor is based around two very versatile and prolific gentlemen Professor Black (Dawnbringe and High Spirits) and Jussi Lehtisalo (Circle and Pharaoh Overlord), whose 2015 debut Paranoia was a spot-om display of their quality and […]
Ethir Anduin is a Russian solo act (up until recently, that is) that specializes in a mixture of Black and Doom Metal as his chosen genre. He does this, and has done so in various […]
In the early ‘90s Psychotic Waltz had an important part in taking prog metal (and metal genre in general) into a new direction, but while their impact on the genre and overall acclaim have never […]
Edremerion is a French Black Metal quintet that was formed eleven years ago this year. In that time they have produced and released two EP’s, one self-titled and another succeeding it, keeping a strict three-year […]
Automb, as far as I can tell, is an American-based ‘Dream Team’ of sorts, consisting of two Death Metal strong-arms (one from Morbid Angel, the other from Necrophagia) who apparently wanted to test their mettle […]
Aeons Confer is extreme metal six-piece from Hamburg, Germany. Zero Elysium is their sophomore full-length (prior to this they’ve released four EP’s!) containing 10 semi-lenghty songs. Zero Elysium is also a dystopian concept album heavily […]
Few things which have characterized Sepultura’s music from the very beginnings are dedication, experimentation and heaviness. This goes for the band’s early days, their commercial peak in the early ’90s, but the case has undeniably […]
Later this year, six years after their initial inception, Belgium quintet Sons Of A Wanted Man finally stands ready with their first ever Full-length release, after honing and otherwise perfecting their own sound across two […]
Wolf Jaw (ex. The Badflowers) is a trio formed in the depths of the Black Country, UK. In October 2019 the band released a new album The Heart Won’t Listen, a follow-up to their highly […]
Moonreich is a French Black Metal band that has spent the last decade (as well as the odd years) perfecting the art of conveying the desolation and destruction war causes in this modern day and […]