Hour of Anguish is an almost brand new Melodic Death Metal band, formed and presently consisting of a Swedish duet named Richard Lee and Andreas Henriksson. While those names mean absolutely nothing to me, after […]
As time has passed, I have gotten more accustomed to, and even enjoy, certain mixtures of genres (whereas I was heavily against it in the past). For instance, American-based VRTRA (I have no idea what […]
DrukNRoll is a band Russian Heavy Metal band who has been around for ten years now. In that time, they have kept themselves busy, releasing one EP and four full-length albums. The album that I […]
Gory Blister is an Italian quartet, the first of its kind that I have stumbled across who plays a very technical (and good) Death Metal. Now, normally I prefer my Death Metal very old-fashioned (no […]
As implied by the title of the album, IV: Beyond the Reef of Sanity is the fourth full-length release produced by Swedish Kayser and delivered by French Listenable Records. Now, this is the second time […]
Ruins is an Australian Black Metal duet that has been around for the last twelve years. In that time, they have been somewhat busy, having released a single EP as well as four full-length records. […]
I suppose that Unchained Reality can be considered the solo project of vocalist Koert Van Zon, seeing as how he is the driving force between the bands first ever release, full-length or otherwise. And, in […]
Founded in 1997, Harm (not to be confused with the German death metal band that shares the same name) are a metal trio from neighboring Norway. Earlier this year they presented their new sonic assault, […]
Temtris is a female-fronted dark heavy metal band hailing from the New South Wales in Australia. The band was founded in 2000 and Enter The Asylum is their fourth full-length album. The album features Wayne […]
Obsidian is the solo project of the drummer from the German Death Metal band Era Hex. By his own admission, it is meant as a means to create his own sound, of what hatred, death […]
Ex Animo is, as is often the case when it comes to the Gothic Metal genre, a female-fronted quintet, in this case one that hails from Ukraine. This does not hinder them in delivering the […]
Later this year, the eight installment in Danish Iron Fire’s discography will hit the stores. And, since zombies and zombie-inflicted apocalypses seem to be all the rage these days (in film and TV-series at least), […]
American quartet Omen is nothing less than a blast from the past. Having originally been formed back in 1983, the band has disbanded only to reform again in 1996. Despite their short break fom the […]
Savage Master is an American Heavy Metal band, one that seems to have taken quite a few lessons from earlier decades (the early eighties to be exact – The band themselves admit to be heavily […]
If you attempt to revolve a Doom Metal concept around classical horror stories, like those portrayed in the old black-and-white movies (and even adding a hammond, a type or organ found in said horror movies), […]
It would be wrong of me to call Son Of No God a new album by Italian black metallers from Acheronte, since the album has been released a year ago. Unfortunately, I didn’t have an […]
Mache Funèbre is an Austrian-based quintet that, since the year 2008, has specialised in mixing together Doom and Death Metal music in order to create a suited vessel to express their views on literature, grief […]
Every now and again, you come across a band that is clearly heavily inspired by some other band. There is nothing unusual about this, since every musician I have ever talked to or heard of […]
Darkend is a Symphonic Black Metal band hailing from Northern Italy, which cam into prominence roughly fourteen years ago as of today. It consists of six talented musicians spread over a wide assortment of different […]
Darktribe from France has been around for a while, and they are well known and liked in the progpower community. It has been about four years since Darktribe released their last album “The Modern Age”, […]
Tableau Mort is a British Black Metal quintet that came into being sometime in 2017. Despite being of British descent, they do seem to have some kind of connection to Romania, since their lyrical themes […]
At this point I highly doubt if I even have to introduce Helheim anymore – They have been a welcome mainstay in the Pagan Black Metal scene for nearly thirty years (having first founded back […]
A Thousand Sufferings is a Belgian-based Blackened Doom Metal act that has been around since 2013. In that time, they have released two Full-length releases and a single Split album – The newest of these […]
Since exit from Dream Theater drummer Mike Portnoy has been busier than ever and keeping up with all of his projects and guest appearance can be quite a task. Common for most of them is […]
Agos, written in their native Greek as ‘ΑΓΟΣ’ roughly translated into either ‘Miasma’ or ‘Cures by the gods’. Whether this is meant to represent the sole musician behind the band himself or someone else is […]