Their sound might be one of the strangest combinations in the world of extreme music, but then again nothing is ordinary and usual about Black Sites. So, who are Black Sites then? Black Sites is […]
Canadian-based Heavy Metal quartet Striker is one of those bands that seem to show up out of nowhere with a ridiculous amount of energy and ambition and talent to boot. Since their inception ten years […]
It never ceases to amaze me how many bands are out there. Specifically, the sheer amount of bands that I should know about, but for one reason or another have never even been picked up […]
Originally a Chilean-based Black Metal quartet, the members have since their inception (all the way back in 1997, if you count their original alias) moved across several country lines and is now based in Sweden […]
Psychedelic Doom is not my favorite metal genre, but it was a pleasant surprise when Zaum’s Eidolon begun to spin in my stereo. Based in New Brunswick (Canada) Zaum is a dark passage into the […]
Not so much an album in its own right as a compilation of everything the label has to offer, Les Acteurs de l’Ombre Sampler MMXVI is a twelve track long introduction into the depths of […]
Canadian-based quartet Augury has been around for fifteen years at the time of this scribble, and in that time, the Progressive Death Metal act has managed to produce a single Demo and two full-length albums. […]
A while back I had the pleasure of listening to the then-newest release from Norwegian Pagan Black Metal act Helheim. Now, about a year later, I receive said honour once more, as they release their […]
Ash and Coal promises more or less the world: When their latest release, Legacy, was introduced to me, it was pitched as a mixture of influences ranging from all of the heavier and darker Metal […]
I have hard time finding new interesting classic heavy/power metal bands. The likes of Ashes of Aries, Brainstorm and Sanctuary seem far and long in between. So, when I read about the forthcoming release by […]
Moonloop is a Catalan (Barcelona) based progressive & death metal combo. They were formed in 2001, exactly same year as our beloved magazine that you’re reading now. Their music has often been labeled as a […]
Motivator is the exhilarating new album by Chicago’s very own High Spirits. The release of this album is a celebration of High Roller Records’ 13th anniversary and the release of 500th record on this label. […]
Call of Ashes II / Stone and Sea is, as the name implies, a Split album between the Black Metal band Sleepwalker (The Call of Ashes II part), a band that I have had a […]
Graceously made aware of this little gems existance by the drummer of said band (who also plays for Cepheide, another French Atmospheric Black Metal band whom I happen to be a fan of), who merely […]
Kellermensch’s story is an peculiar one. Band drew quite an attention with their 2009 debut album, and instead of trying to ride that crucial wave and follow it quickly with another album the band did […]
I was unfamiliar with the existence of this Swedish band despite them coming from neighbouring Helsingborg. Chronus is a quartet that has been around for some years now. The band was founded in 2012 and […]
This album was recorded and released in 2018 but for some reason I first received it lately. It shall not prevent me of giving it a spin or two and see if it’s still of […]
Saturnalia Temple is a Swedish Doom Metal band that has spent the last fourteen years since their inception creating and releasing their own Stoner version of the genre, culminating in Gravity, their third-ever Full-length release […]
2017’s Medusa, saw the English Gothic Metal legends pull a full-circle, basically coming back to their very early ’90s Doom Metal roots. Following the band during the past three decades was an interesting ride. The […]
Just recently I received this album, released in November 2018, but it should not prevent me for giving it a couple of spins. First a few words about the band, one-man act named Feed Them […]
Misanthropic Rituals is an American one-man Black Metal band hailing From New Jersey, officially founded eight years ago (which would make it the year 2012 for all of you either not interested in counting or […]
Anointed In Darkness – Live in Europe is the newest release from these deathly masters from Atlanta, Georgia. The band was founded in 2006, playing brutal death metal ever since. This live album, entitled Anointed […]
Poccolus is a near-legendary Black Metal act hailing from Lithuania, one that was primarily active from 1993 to 1997. As such, they were a part of the Second Wave of Black Metal and helped shape […]
Four years ago, O’Brother released Endless Light, which was the absolute highlight of their career. Now the band is ready with a follow-up, which not only marks the departure from Triple Crown Records after a […]
In 2018 Katatonia announced that they were going on hiatus, but already in February 2019 the band returned to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the 2009 album, Night Is the New Day. And already here in […]