Swiss rockers’ previous album High Noon saw them reuniting with the original singer Mark Fox after a couple (solid) albums released with John Prakesh on vocals. The return was yet another solid release from Shakra, […]
Four years have passed by since the release of In Vain’s magnificent album Ænigma and finally the Norwegian band is now ready with the follow-up. Currents is a natural continuation of the previous album and […]
Wyrmwoods is a Finnish one man band, one that specializes in something as exotic as an Atmospheric, Avant-garde version of the more normally known Black Metal genre. This somewhat unique approach has directly led to […]
My first encounter with Machine Head was in late 1994 when they were supporting Slayer on their European tour. I was unfamiliar with the band; their sound was hazy, and their stage presence was not […]
Founded in 2011. The Killerhertz is a modern hard rock quartet from Kastrup, Denmark. Three years after the release of their debut A Killer Anthem, the band is ready to unleash another deadly rockin’ beast […]
Nostalgic Agony is an Italian one-man band of unknown origins and age. What is known is that it was born as a project out of several failed collaborations, which ended in the lone multi-instrumentalist taking […]
Some people are very creative, some active and even others productive – And a rare few are all three rolled into one package. In the latter category you would find the French Black Metal band […]
True and traditional old-school American metal act White Wizzard finally releases their long anticipated new album entitled Infernal Overdrive. The band, with its original and classic members back in the team, have spent much of […]
What is there to say about the guitar this genius. Not much I guess. But then again, Joe Satriani is often referred to as guitar-virtuoso, which he most certainly is, but that title might be […]
Social Crash is a French musical quartet who, by their own admission, have taken a audiotorial direction somewhere between the Punk Rock and Metal genres. This is done in order to make it possible for […]
Town Tundra is a Russian Melodic Death Metal act that was founded in 2009 by five like-minded musicians, may of which have prior experience in other, assumedly similar bands. As such the quintet has managed […]
Damnation’s Hammer is a four-piece British band/project founded by Tim Preston. He’s responsible for the vocals and guitars on this latest release. Unseen Plants, Deadly Spheres is their sophomore album, consisting of ten well- played […]
Legion of Wolves is a modern-day Death Metal quintet hailing from Ireland. They have been around since 2009 and have released two Demos so far. Their first ever Full-length release will carry the title Bringers […]
King Witch has existed for a few years now, having assembled in the capital of Scotland to record their first EP two years ago. The band consists of four (I am assuming local) musicians who […]
Monolithe is a French Dark Doom Metal band that originally started as a side project of the guitarist from Anthemon. When that band (sadly) disbanded a decade ago, he brought with him, along with a […]
While this global pandemic seems to have taken a heavy toll on many of us by more or less uprooting everything we know and completely flipping our sides upside down, it has become clear that […]
It has been almost five years since the release of Gojira’s previous album Magma, which was followed by extensive touring where the band managed to play anything from headliner shows, festivals as well as some […]
At first sight, a strange and almost exotic name for a raw, dark and harsh old-school heavy metal band?! After initial reading of the press material I learned that the name is taken from the […]
ColdCell is an Atmospheric Black Metal quintet hailing from Switzerland, close to the centre of Europe. The five musicians banded together as a band almost a decade ago, weaving interlocking stories and atmospheres around the […]
Keeping up with the trend of the last review I wrote (even including one of the same members), Forever Falling is yet another multinational composition, this time a duo split between the US and Italy. […]
Solemn Echoes is something as relatively rare as a genuinely international band, consisting of four members: Two from the US (who is also active under the name Chalice of Suffering) and two from Brazil (who […]
Profeci are another proof that Poland and black metal go hand in hand. Profeci are a young band, formed in 2018 and two years later released this seven tracker full-length debut. The album is called […]
When it was announced that Iron Maiden guitarist and the former Poison/Mr. Big guitarist (current solo artist and The Winery Dogs singer/guitarist) will be releasing an album, it did come as a surprise. Despite them […]
Mur is a French sextet with a Post-Black Metal/Hardcore mixture in regards to sound, one they have been streamlining and perfecting since the release of their first EP back in 2016. Since that time they […]
Dusk of Delusion is a French Modern Metal band established in September 2016. Less than a year ago we’ve written a few words on their second full-length Watch Your 6. Today this French quintet present […]