18 months since mighty Sittin’ Heavy came out, and Canadian ( from Hamilton, ON) rockers Monster Truck are already ready with a new album entitled True Rockers. The album consists of 11 tracks that are […]
Vcid (alternative spelling for ’Void’, no doubt inspired by their interesting logo) is something as relatively rare and fresh as a Black N’ Roll act – That is to say, a band that specializes in […]
Formed out of the ashes of several prominent local death metal bands (Suture, Catholicon, Despondency) Excommunicated is a Louisiana-based old school death metal quintet. The band is a potent cohesion of the various influences and […]
Since forming in 1982 the Canadian band quickly become a band that never really could be compared with anyone else out there. Their unique fusion of trash, progressive rock and punk was unlike anything else […]
Credic is a German Melodic Death Metal quintet which can trace their origins back to the (exact) mid-2000’s. Since their inception and up to the present day they have been fairly casual as far as […]
Back in 2010 Slash released an album that was basically his ode to different artists. The selftitled album turned out to be filled with songs written for (and in stile of) the endless line of […]
Despite having officially split up almost a decade ago, Italian Industrial Black Metal trio Nocratai has nonetheless been somewhat active in the more recent times. For starters, they released a compilation album last year – […]
Flynotes is yet another band that I would never have stood a chance of coming across if it wasn’t for my thrice-blessed employment here at Metal Revolution. The Russian trio first banded together eight years […]
Personally I like to (occasionally) boast that I enjoy a challenge, and I am certainly partial to band from certain areas (including Russia, France and Great Britain). Which is no doubt one of the reasons […]
MurderWorker is a relatively new extreme metal act to emerge on Spanish scene. The band might be new, but in their short existence they have always been clear about the musical direction, an old-school death […]
When it comes to gloom and powerful melancholy, very few can measure up to the Russians. This is true in poetry, but also very much so in regards to the slower, more distorted genres on […]
Godless Enthropia is an Italian death metal quintet founded in 2012 in Turin. After several line-up changes and the release of a couple of EPs they are finally ready to unleash their long anticipated full-length […]
I might as well admit it, first instead of last: For numerous reasons, I am what could be called partial as far as this album is considered. Not because I know the musician personally or […]
Symphony of Symbols is a Hungarian six-piece, one that could celebrate its twentieth anniversary last year, having seemingly spent the majority of their early years honing their craft and perfecting their own sound – Which, […]
Pánico al Miedo is a Catalan death/thrash metal quartet that has existed for 5 years now. Formador is their first full-length record feturing an “Intro – Popol Vuh”, an “Outro – Popol Vuh”, a bonus […]
It’s first time that the extreme metal label Grind To Death Records, located in Malmö (Sweden) sent me some promo materials for review. The label is primary focusing on Nordic extreme music, from grindcore to […]
Labyrinth Entrance is one-man black metal project from Poland. The author and musician behind is Hunger, responsible for all instruments and vocals! Deplore The Vanity is his sophomore album, a follow-up to the debut entitled […]
I don’t remember having any bands from Argentina featured on these pages in the last couple of years?! Therefore, I was pretty exited when I saw that Bulletproöf are an Argentinian quartet, releasing their debut […]
Pensées Nocturnes is a French Avantgarde Black Metal band that has crossed my path twice in the past – And since my memory is not what it used to be, I cheated a little bit […]
Cepheide is a French one-man band that I have had the pleasure of following nearly since its inception back in 2013 in Paris – I missed the debut Demo, but managed to get my hands […]
Corpus Diavolis is a French Black/Death Metal fusion who can trace their origins as far back as the year 2008 – Since their inception they have released a grand total of seven records, of which […]
Adoperta Tenebris is a relatively discreet band, as far as the overall internet is concerned. From what I have been able to gleam so far, the following is of note: For one, we are dealing […]
What happens when Autopsy, Corpsessed and Black Sabbath party together? You get a band going under the moniker of Coffin Creep, a Swedish trio created is different from most things in Swedish death metal. The […]
Another one of the CDs I’ve received a while ago, but my duty is to write about all materials no matter of the release date. What we have here is the seventh album from a […]
In Mourning is a Swedish Melodic Death Metal band cut in the same vein (and nearly the same time period) as their kinsmen in bands such as In Flames, Opeth and Dark Tranquility despite having […]