More than five years have passed since the release of the sophomore album by French thrash/groove metal band Heart Attack, the rather strong and promising The Resilience. It was an album that, like many others […]
German death metal veterans Purgatory have been releasing music for three decades now. The band’ line-up is; Dreier (vocals), René Kögel (guitars & vocals), Wolfgang Rothbauer (guitars), Nico Solle (bass) and Lutz Götzold (drums). Apotheosis […]
Here we are ten years ago almost to the day since the release of Phantom Antichrist, the album that brought the German thrash metal legends back to the spotlight, thanks to the rise of thrash […]
Dunwich is a sludge & stoner metal quintet from Calais in France. Not to be confused with the Italian, Russian and Canadian bands with the same moniker! This French five-piece was founded at the end […]
My friend and partner Gabriel S. from Nihilistic Holocaust sent me another album for review. This time it is Diseased Oblivion from US, and their A Blackened Harvest of Decomposure album. There’re eight tracks and […]
This particular Split album is, as the name aptly suggests, a near-even split between two French Black Metal acts with similar enough soundscapes for it to make sense that they are present upon the same […]
I was not really sure of publishing this review as it has very little in connection to heavy metal. On the other hand one can occasionally hear some of gothic doomy influences which I believe […]
More than a decade and a half have passed since the previous solo studio album from former Black Sabbath singer Tony Martin, but already a minute into “As the World Burns” the album opener, it’s […]
One thing that is certain when a new Dèhá release drop in through your mail box is that you are never quite sure what it is you are receiving. Since the Belgium-based musician first started […]
Dead Ficus is a melo-death metal band formed in 2006 in Strasbourg, France. The band consists of six lone-time friends, namely; Sébastien (vocals), Arnaud (guitars), Olivier (guitars), Lucien (bass), Karim (drums) and Laurence (keyboards). In […]
Mika Sundvall from Thyrargo sent me band’s first EP entitled Impulses for review. Before going more into this four-tracker EP here comes a short introduction to this band from Helsinki, Finland. Apart from Mika Sundvall […]
I + Live At Roadburn is a rather unique, but honestly quite logical, approach to a live album – Instead of merely releasing an album with effectively the soundtrack found at any given festival or […]
No wonder if you’ve heard the name Rimthurs before, as the band/project started in the mid-nineties, but wasn’t very productive until 2001 and 2002. For those of you still not familiar with Rimthurs, I can […]
Rise To The Sky is one of those pleasant surprises that pops up every now and again – A band just up my alley that is well-established, talented, with a clear concept and overall approach […]
Au-Dessus, the Lithuanian Post-Black metal quartet is a band that I am always getting one of my, by now, numerous eyes on. Granted, they are not the most productive of artists as far as amounts […]
Tilintetgjort (Norwegian for ‘Destroyed’) is a Norwegian Avantgarde Black Metal quintet, made up of band members from a wide range of Black Metal-related acts, including Den Saakaldte and Whip – And, unsurprisingly, the music of […]
It’s pretty hard to write a proper review of the material released exactly a year ago, but also due to the very little information on this CD release. Meanwhile, it should not prevent me to […]
I know it’s nine months after its official release, but I simply had to give this record a few spins and write a short review. What we have here is something quite unique and exotic, […]
A split release, two psych/stoner rock bands from the misty green deep forests of the Pacific Northwest (PNW). The album art is an early era Dungeons & Dragons styled illustration. When creating your half elven […]
Scandi DIY-ers Swartzheim are at it again. After a rather quiet 2021 debut, these Crossover-thrash Danes have spent two years “consolidating themselves as a live entity”, primarily playing gigs, clubs, parties and festivals in their […]
Chorosia are a progressive sludge quartet from Vienna, Austria. The band was founded in summer of 2017, with purpose of creating the music ‘they wanna hear’. The band consists of Anto Pranjić (vocals & guitars), […]
CDN Records released this split entitled Eastern Beast – Western Wolf between a brutal death metal legends from Japan called Vomit Remnants (Eastern Beast) and a Canadian (Western Wolf) brutal death metal legends, Blood Of […]
A split album, two bands on one disc. Earth Altar kicks off the two band effort. Two Canadian bands put down an 8-song set. Excellent fantasy sci-fi album art is a draw. Sometimes, yes, we […]
La Nausée is a groove/sludge/crust/punk/hardcore/metal project hailing from Ghent, Belgium. They Prey is trio’s third EP in three years, and it consists of five tracks, namely; “Pest”, “Blinders”, “They Prey”, “Venom” and “Spectre”. Their fellow-Belgium […]
Dauðaró is an Icelandic Funeral Doom Metal one-man act – One that, despite having only sprung into existance a handful of years ago, has been very active overall. Case in point, two years ago (in […]