On a paper this alliance between two of 80’s hard rock profiles seems like a good idea, nonetheless because artist whose hay-day was in that era are not as represented among the otherwise huge number […]
If you don’t know Paul Gilbert by now, then you don’t even deserve an introduction. Ok I’m kidding, but yeah, if you are even partly into guitar driven instrumental music and if you’ve been alive […]
I remember giving a Malrun’s debut a spin some five years ago and thinking – wow this is good. The band had good songs combined with an approach that perfectly blended the catchy melodies with […]
Back in 2007, more than a decade since he parted ways with Skid Row, Sebastian Bach released his first studio album Angel Down. The album was much as you’d expect from Bach, meaning that it […]
Members of few lesser known bands decided to join forces in a brand new band in order to create something fresh – we’ve heard that before. Results are often not that different from their original […]
Photo: Zoran www.sonic-view.com Few days ago I’ve witnessed Dream Theater’s “an evening with” show at London’s Wembley Arena and the few days between that show and their Copenhagen show felt like eternity. Perhaps that describes […]
It’s been almost a quarter of a century since foundation of Monster Magnet and after band’s guitarist Ed Mundell left the band in 2010, shortly after the release of their previous album Mastermind, band’s main […]
Another one of those Mike Portnoy led super-groups released their debut album in 2012 and while this in many ways might be typical prog-rock super-group, there is more to Flying Colors then so. The project […]
It’s a debut, but it’s most definitely a debut that bears a mark of big experience and expertise. Ashes of Ares is a band consisting of former Iced Earth and Nevemore members and as such […]
Prog has become something of an in-label during the past decade. Not in in YouTube mainstream matter, but more as a label that was pinned to almost any guitar-bas-drums band that had at least one […]