Despite having their own website, I have been able to learn precious little about this band (which seems to be a trend I somehow got into – I cannot say that I am a fan. […]
Exp. Zeroone is a band that I have had an almost notoriously hard time learning anything about, so I hope that you will bear with me and accept that I can tell very little about […]
Pineal are a relatively new british progressive trio founded in 2012 in London. In the time of the release of their first release Smiling Cult, the band were still unsigned. Smiling Cult is band’s debut […]
I remember having severe problems with defining and wrapping my head around Dan Deagh Wealcan at some point in the past, due to their rather (for me) peculiar and unique nature. Their newest release, Fragmented […]
Bitterness is a German trio originally picthed to me a an ‘old-school Thrash Metal band’. Upon closer inspection, however, that quickly proved not to be the case. Examining this, their newest release (and sixth full-length […]
First of all, I might as well be blunt and admit that We Are The Nightmare is an album that offers absolutely nothing new – Quite litterally since, as mentioned in the title, it is […]
Sagacity is the second album with original Saga vocalist Michael Sadler. The album was released in 2014, but it is not long time ago that for some reason I received it for review?! I’m not […]
Shadow Rebels is an Israeli trio, one that is seemingly well known for experimenting heavily with their sound. According to Metal Scrap Records, they are, at their core, a Grunge band, but pulls in influences […]
Nephrolith is a Slovenian Black Metal band, one that has been on the rough for the pas few years. They have been around for eight years and have since that time released a Demo and, […]
The Opposed is the first released single from the upcoming debut album of Swedish quintet Zornheym. The band consist of former members of several well-established bands, the most noticeable of which being Zorn from Dark […]