Task Force Beer is, as the same heavily implies, a band that does not take itself too seriously. It was founded two years ago by six like-minded Germans, all with extensive musical experience prior to […]
Ten years ago (I seem to get a lot of these recently – Imagine that) four Italian musicians with a strong desire to create Death Metal (yet another example of my stereotypical generalization being wrong) […]
Dawn of Winter is, in its most simple and literal sense, not a new release, but instead a re-release: Originally this album was released seven years prior and back then, it marked the first full-length album […]
Now, I am not a man that is too big to admit when I am wrong (my girlfriend disagrees with me on this, but that is another story), and this is relevant in this case […]
One prevalent thing that I have noticed about record labels these days I that more and more of them seem to have a target audience – More so than merely being a ‘Metal’ label, for […]
Den Förstfödde marks the end of an era, in a fashion. It has been stated by the band to be the last release from this underground Swedish Black Metal band, which carries the name Arckanum. In […]
Eskapism is, as far as I have been able to gather, an Atmospheric Black Metal duet based in western Ukraine and one that, despite having very experienced members, is a fairly new addition to the […]
Fubar is a grind-core band from the Netherlands, unfamiliar to me prior to listening to their latest CD. It was sent to me recently from FDA Rekotz. A little research on the band told me […]
Tom de Wit, who is the driving force behind TDW has been releasing the records under this name since 2004, but this is my very first encounter with his music. De With wrote all the […]
We’re rapidly approaching a decade mark since Steven Wilson put Porcupine Tree on hold and while the band is missed deeply, with every new solo record from Wilson, the missing is bit easier to handle. […]