Pessimist – Slaughtering the Faithful
12th November 2015
Dysylumn – Conceptarium
14th November 2015Yerbadiablo – It Doesn’t Work

Label: Atomic Stuff / Release Date: December 17th, 2013
Yerbadiablo’s second full-length release It Doesn’t Work is probably one of the hardest reviews that I had to write this year, simply because it is not even close to anything that I usually listen to. At all, in fact. Looking for an angle to describe the album from, I turned to the internet and looked up Yerbadiablo’s story and discovered why: They are, by their own admission, an Indie band, one that does whatever they can in order to the progressive. And, according to their record label, they are apparently very good at it, within their genre. I will take their word for it.