DrukNRoll – In The Game
10th August 2016
Hour of Anguish – Solace of Sorrow
15th August 2016VRTRA – My Bones Hold a Stillness

Label: Sentient Ruin Laboratories / Release Date: 2nd September 2016
As time has passed, I have gotten more accustomed to, and even enjoy, certain mixtures of genres (whereas I was heavily against it in the past). For instance, American-based VRTRA (I have no idea what the meaning behind the acronym is) have taken all the usual Doom Metal elements that I like and added most of what I enjoy from Atmospheric Black Metal. This has resulted in a sound that is melancholic, intense and relentlessly repentless as well as riddled with continuous powerful drums, distorted guitars and a fantastic vocal track. All of this can be found on the first release by the band, a three track long EP entitled My Bones Hold A Stillnes. All in all the three tracks span 31 minutes of some of the best damn Doom Metal moments I have had in a very long time. Sure, if I have the time to delve into it and really get into the mood, I would probably look up Who Dies in Siberian Slush. But VRTRA is far more easily accessible, and very impressive in their own right. On top of that, they have done what they can to surround themselves with mystery, remaining nameless and more or less completely unknown. What I can tell you about them, however, is that they are incredibly talented musicians, some that I will definitely be keeping an eye on from this point onwards. Choosing which track to highlight would normally be more or less impossible for me, if one for one simple fact: Only one of them, the one entitled ”The Cold Suffocating Dark Goes On Forever” can be found online. And as such, that is the one that can be found below. Enjoy. I certainly did.