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22nd December 2023
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24th December 2023Vholdghast – End Of All

Label: Iron, Blood And Death Corporation / Release Date: 15th October 2023
Vholdghast is a Swedish Black/Death Metal duo, one that seemingly sprung into existence just above twenty years ago. The brains behind the band is most certainly neither strangers to the professional Metal scene, having played for more than thirty different bands, nor slouches, even if their own discography under this moniker could seemingly allude otherwise.
Indeed, despite having released a grand total of two albums since 2002 (a Full-length and an EP, the latter of which is the one I will be scribbling about today), Vholdghast seem to have been more than dutiful in regards to performing music and recording for a slew of other bands (Rotpit and Gore Brigade among them). And now, a full eight years since the release of their Debut Album, they now grace the world with End Of All, a five track long Blackened Death Metal release with all that entails – Namely, slowed menacingly distorted riffs and blast beats accompanied with growling themes of hatred and disgust, much in the spirit of the current day and age.
In many ways Vholdghast seems to be, on the surface at least, somewhat inspired by or, given when the band was formed, shaped by the same approaches and thought processes as Dutch God Dethroned (even if these two Swedes seem to have leaned more into the Death than Black Metal side of things). Nevertheless, I sense a strong sense of cohesion throughout their performance, deliberately making sure to keeping the onslaught consistent, yet interesting and non-monotonous at all times – Not quite at the ‘wall of sound’ stage due to the inclusion to the occasional solo, but definitely efficiently and expertly done.
All in all End Of All marks a nice, twenty minute journey with two very experiened musicians doing what they do best. The record is well recorded and mixed, would play well on a decent stereo and gives off strong vibes of a band who has been aound this particular field in excess of numerous times. Definitely worth a listen if you are into early Cannibal Corpse.
And in this particular case, its relatively short length (due to it being an EP) does it quite a service since it allows the band to build up a case and tear into its listener with just the right amount of time and effort for it to be enjoyable, but not long enough for it to grow tedious.