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25th September 2018
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27th September 2018Vcid – Jettatura

Label: Les Acteurs de l’Ombre / Release Date: 5th October 2018
Vcid (alternative spelling for ’Void’, no doubt inspired by their interesting logo) is something as relatively rare and fresh as a Black N’ Roll act – That is to say, a band that specializes in taking the well-known Second Wave Black Metal sound and giving it an eighties Rock N’ Roll spin.
I first heard of this concept back when Satyricon released their ’King’ single and, from the sound of it, I would say that the five French musicians that make up Vcid have been more than a little inspired by, among others, before-mentioned track.
That does not mean that Jettatura, the bands first Full-length album, is a complete rip-off, however. While the overall approach is definitely similar, this is probably due to the fairly low amount of bands that have experimented with this particular mix of genres. As a matter of fact, the band takes great pride in, and placed no small amount of effort into, creating their own twist upon this genre, helping to move it along and evolve.
To say that Vcid has taken Black N’ Roll into whole new territory might be a bit much – It would probably be far more apt to describe them as having cranked up the pace and aggression, taking what came before and force-fed it speed. It is powerful, it is distorted – And it is damn catchy.
Basically I would recommend this thirty-five minutes long album to any fans of Now, Diabolical (the Satyricon album). Definitely music fitting for a night on the town, as the title track (found below) will attest to.