No Man Eyes – Cosmogony
10th May 2016
Counting Days – Liberated Sounds
15th May 2016The Oath – Consequences

Label: Sliptrick / Release Date: 20th April 2015
Due to their somewhat dramatic nature and the way the band have managed to build up their music, I would classify French quintet The Oath as an almost theatrical band of performers. While their specific style of music is pretty normal by now (a mixture of Black and Death Metal), the before-mentioned near-theatrical approach to it makes The Oath quite memorable. This unique trait is mostly found in tracks such as ”Never to be Seen Again” and ”Silent Dreams”; The first of these primarily due to the film quote that is a part of the introduction part of the track; In the latter (and several other tracks similar to it) it is experienced through the keyboard tracks and the heavily echoed backing vocals. Both of these give Consequences a very gothic (as in the traditional atmosphere and thoughts, not as in the gothic sound) feel, one that I find quite alluring. The track ”Silent Dreams” in particular caught my eye (or ears, as the case my be), since it shows a quite interesting blend between these three aspects (Black Metal, Death Metal and the gothic atmosphere) and makes it work, slightly better than the rest of the record in my opinion, albeit only by a small margin. But to be blunt, it is not so peculiar that the band shows great promise: Consequences is the bands fourth full-length album, after all. And, if you need more explanation of what the band sounds like, I suppose that they could be compared to a less brutal and more dramatic version of God Dethroned (although the vocals are pretty close).