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9th September 2021Superlynx – Electric Temple

Label: Dark Essence / Karisma Records / Release date: 16th April 2021
Founded in 2013, a Doom/Psych trio Superlynx are Oslo-based band and Electric Temple is their third full-length album, containing 10 tracks. Prior to the release of this new record, the band released their 2016 debut album LVX , and 3 years later released their second album New Moon.
The title of this new album, Electric Temple, is a reference to Jimi Hendrix ́ way of looking at music, as he once said “We call our music ‘electric church music… Because it’s like a religion to us.” The band from Norway feels exactly the same of their releationship to music. According to the press material, ‘the tragic death of a close family member has also made a deep mark on the album’. So let’s see what Electric Temple offers in the next 47 minutes…
Let me be honest from the very beginning, this is not my cup of tea of a genre. I just need more variation, diversity and a few more tempo changes. However, Electric Temple definitely has something unique in their sound. Maybe it is due to the proactive female vocals of Pia Isaksen or just the simple fact that the band succesfully melts doom, psych, meditative atmospheres, and heavy droning rock together, making it trademark sound of their own. It’s doomy, gloomy and moody, with this haunting desolate atmosphere and feeling of melancholy and despair.
The album opens with an intro “Rising Flame”, but it is “Electric Temple” that is the first self-titled single of the album (see video below), and from the very start of the song one gets dragged into this mysterious world of Superlynx. Throughout the whole song it is Pia Isaksen’ very simple bass-lines that sets the tone for the whole song. Another couple of songs worth of mention are probably the best track off the album, “Moonbather”, with slightly folkish tunes and a little bit of post rock too. And in addition to this we have really mellow song named “Then you Move”, a song where the instruments play a big part to setting the rhythm and tone. “Siren Song” is also a good atmospheric track with piano lines and a cool twist with male vocals of Ole Teigen.
The production in this album is beyond amazing as the album is mixed by multiple Grammy Award winning producer Marc Urselli (Nick Cave, Mike Patton, Lou Reed, Keith Richards, The Black Crowes…), which is a blueprint of their sound and big potential within a genre.
So, my final thoughts on this album are that the instruments played in all of the songs have a real impact on the music and overall image of the band. Thus, I’ll also recommend it for any fan of the genre or the band.
For any further info visit https://superlynxband.com/