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9th April 2019Seventh Genocide – SVNTH

Label: Third-I-Rex / Release Date: 28th October 2018
Seventh Genocide is an Italian Black Metal quartet with thirteen years of experience as a band.
In that time, they have released two full-length albums, two Demos, two EP’s (of which SVNTH is one) and a split album.
With the risk of making several generalizations, I would argue that Seventh Genocide is an excellent example of what the Italian Metal scene has to offer. Granted, I rarely stumble across Italian Black Metal bands but when I do, they always seem to be able to incorporate the very melodious and catchy approach that I have come to expect and enjoy from said country into their music – And this fine little quartet is no exception.
SVNTH contains four distinct tracks that adds up to a runtime of approximately thirty minutes. And while they definitely work from a traditional Black Metal framework (especially when it comes to the drums and vocals), at the same time they have slowed down a bit, making room for a backing choir of sorts (excellently utilized on “Martial Eyes”), slow guitar passages and a coherent, almost ambient whole.
Being an EP SVNTH sadly suffers from a rather short runtime, as mentioned above – However, this is made up by the fact that Seventh Genocide has managed to build a consistently good and enjoyable whole. The songs flow along seamlessly, each one contained within their own little domain on the disc. The tracks are different representations of what the band has to offer, but are still similar enough to distinctly having been made by the same artists.
Below you can find the track “Martial Eyes”, which is both the longest track present on the EP and the most audiably fascinating (in my opinion at least).
Recommended for fans of Deafhaven and Woods of Ypres.