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14th August 2023
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16th August 2023Putrid Yell – Consuming Aberration

Label: Pulverised Records/Sure Shot Worx / Release date: 14th April 2023
Chilean death metallers Putrid Yell consists of members from Phantasmagore, Soulrot and Suppression. The group released their debut full-length entitled Consuming Aberration earlier this year through Pulverised Records. The album was actually recorded in 2018 and has been brutally delayed due to the Covid-19 pandemic and some personal circumstances.
They have been playing around for more than a decade (founded in 2011), releasing two demos and three splits to date, and it clearly shows. Consuming Aberration, which contains 10 tracks, was recorded and mixed by Cristian Leon at ‘Lion’s Roar Studio’, mastered by Damien Herring at ‘Subterranean Watchtower Studio’ and it comes with a brilliant artwork by Putrid Matt.
To start with I can only quote the press material stating that Putrid Yell is ‘…the inch-perfect blend of contemporary Swede-saw, proto ’90s outta-control chainsaw sound that fascinated the extreme music world and that undeniable first-gen primal Cogumelo worship; a grating orifice of the absolute radiance of the glorious ’80s South American black & death metal movement’. In other words, it sounds like a perfect mix of Hellhammer, Cannibal Corpse and Destruction, but without being a total rip-off and copy of these bands. The guitars are often low-tuned and with lots of distortion, the vocals are eqally low and very harsh, the druming is murderous and violent, and the bass comes with a power sustaining the weight and carrying the sound of the record.
Consuming Aberration opens with “The Search”, which is a fast track full of energy, yet with a clear guitar solo and a very good catchy guitar riffs. On self-titled “Consuming Aberration” Ignis Fatuus delivers a very strong and simple work of bass, perfectly supplemented and balanced by the sound of guitar and drums. On “Desire of Death” the band delivers some of the old speed drumming and raging guitars that fans of extreme high-speed metal will adore. “Charred Corpses” has those hardcore moments with inherited hooks, and some grindcore elements too. “Deadly Ashes” is the most different and diverse song on the record, a completely instrumental and acoustic short interlude, before the typical black & death metal assault takes over on the album closer called “Wrenching Putrid Yell”. This track and “Process Through Death” are two of my personal favourites as they are energetic, frenzied, real bangers, full of unexpected thrashing and death-like moments.
There’s nothing like the power of a an image/cover art, it speaks silently in multiple ways and it has the ability to create different emotion. Thus, the artwork for Consuming Aberration is sickening and disturbing, as a death metal artwork is supposed to be. Production is raw & underground yet with dynamic and personalized sound where all instruments can be heard equally.
First track “Indescribable Evil Instinct” revealed can be heard below. For more info on this particular release visit https://pulverised.bandcamp.com/album/consuming-aberration