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5th June 2024
Shadow Witch – Eschaton (The End of All Things)
10th June 2024Piranha – Arise from the Shadows

Label: 7hard Records / Release date: 14th August 2020
I don’t know the reason why this material was sent to me for a review almost four years after its initial release?! Despite what I have just said, hereby I’ll try to say a few words on the band and their latest 2020 opus. Piranha were formed 1987 in Athens, and they’re one of the longest-serving bands from the Hellenic region. The quartet plays a blend of death & trash until 2001, and they continue so on their new offering, Arise from the Shadows.
Prior to the release of this new eight-tracker, they’ve have released two demos and three records (LP & EP). During its 14-year participation in the Greek metal scene the hard-hitting quartet received great feedback from the music press around the world, but also managed to play together with many Greek bands such as Septic Flesh, Acid Death, Nightfall, Flames, Death Currier, and also with major international names such as Destruction and Malevolent Creation. In the end of 2017 the band announced that they’re back after 16 years of silence, and working on new material. This new material is their only second full-length album and it’s entitled Arise from the Shadows. It consits of eight tracks of some of their most aggressive and edgier material ever.
Arise from the Shadows is a piece of merciless death/thrash, and even with some hints of black metal, as perfectly exemplified in the song called “Reborn”. Before we come to “Reborn” the song, we have to hear this song named “Endless Dream” We hear a bit of a musical shift in the third track, “Endless Dream”, with the band showcasing their most melodic elements and some phenomenal drumming. This song is probably my favourite, mainly due to its very strong chorus, which combines the band’s already established intensity with the melodies. The combination feels both natural and exciting. Other than this one can hear some heavy, aggressive riffs, hellish and echoing vocals, edgy drum breaks delivered at a crazy pace, and finally contant warm and sharp sounding bass with a fuzzy sheen over the whole thing.
Another thing noticable is the progression and expansion in their sound, at least when compared to its 22 years older predecessor, Reborn. Thus, with a few atmospheric inserts (ex. the song called “Dead Boat”) the band noticeably tries to expand the sound, and I think they succeed in doing so. Another interesting feature is the inclusion of additional female vocals, most notably at the beginning of the self-titled track, “Arise from the Shadows”. Speaking of a self-titled track, I usually associate the title track with being one of the strongest songs of the album, but I can’t say that for this one in Arise from the Shadows. I mean, it fits perfectly to their overall concept, but it’s not the best track from the record.
Arise from the Shadows is recorded with an old-fashioned manner, which means that it doesn’t have to be overproduced or too complicated, just simple straightforward arrangements and decent songwriting seems to be enough for this veteran Greek combo.
In conclusion; Arise from the Shadows has a few rough edges which wonderfully reflect the retro sound of the mix of the genres. It’s some of the finest underground death/thrash is offered on Arise from the Shadows by Hellenic band Piranha.
Piranha and Arise from the Shadows is still a good underground tip for collectors who often want something a little more exotic. Without trying to make the album sound like a timeless masterpiece, it still remains a record well worth investing your money. The CD has been released worldwide & on all digital platforms, and physical materials, by the German-based, 7hard Records. Esp. recommended for fans of early Sepultura, Possessed, Exodus, and other mostly Bay Area acts.
For additional info on this four-piece from Greek capital, go to https://www.facebook.com/7hard.Records