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29th October 2021Mysthicon – Into The Dark

Label: Self-released / Release date: 16th July 2019
Mysthicon are another extreme metal band from Poland, but this time not unfamiliar to our readers as we’ve presented the band in this interview done in 2020 with band’s guitarist Nigrum Amnis Silvam. For those of you still unfamiliar with this six-piece, I can briefly just say that Mysthicon is a band formed in 2015 by among others – Vader, Lux Occulta, Hate and Batushka members. So we are dealing here with professional musicians and not just another anonymous, upcoming and inexperienced formation. In 2019 they released this mini album entitled Into The Dark. It is a short release containing only two tracks, a self-titled opener “Into the Dark” and “Passing Away” (Lux Occulta cover).
Obviously the project has not been very active nor productive since Into The Dark is their first release, after five years of their existence. Nevertheless, Into The Dark should be seen as a foretaste for what is to come in 2020, their full-length debut entitled Silva – Oculis – Corvi. But I’m here to write a few words on this mini album. From what I can hear, the band plays an old school and atmospheric mixture of black, doom and death metal in the archaic spirit of the 90’s.
The first aforementioned track, and only original composition on this EP, is a self-titled track “Into The Dark”. It begins with some spooky sounds of nature, winds and storm settling the atmosphere and mood to this release. This song has a slow build-up and the culmination is when blackened death growling- and funeral vocals set in. Other instruments follow hereafter, where esp. blast beats and some clean guitar picking comes in. As you can hear in the link below, this track is pretty diverse and interesting with very good crisp production. “Into The Dark” ends the same way it started, with fading sounds of wind and a distant wolf howling.
Second track is the cover track of a Lux Occulta song called “Passing Away”. It also contains some unusual sounds, ex. with some chanting monks. Drumming is again powerful and with some blast-beats as in the first track. There’s a greater amount of tremolo picking and smooth guitar work in this track compared to the first one. Vocals are equally diverse, but with a few more death growls in this particular song.
I’m sorry that I haven’t listened to Mysthicon before, as this short release is close to perfect. Now, I’m currently impatiently waiting to hear their full-length release Silva – Oculis – Corvi.
A debut single from their Into The Dark EP can be seen below. For more info on this project and both of their releases go to https://mysthicon.bandcamp.com/album/into-the-dark