SynaptiK – The Mechanisms of Consequence
15th September 2015
Slayer – Repentless
15th September 2015Mr. Pollack – Black Hawk

Label: Metal Mind Productions / 14th July 2015
Mr. Pollack is, as far as I have been able to ascertain, a Polish Rock trio, and one of quite significant fame. Their newest release is entitled Black Hawk and is a fourteen tracks long performance of easy-listenable modern Rock. As some of you might have guessed, this places it a bit outside of my interest zone. That being said, I cannot in good conscience deny the obvious great talent of these three musicians. Their music might be built up around a frame of catchy, simple and almost calming rock that I do not particularly enjoy, but they do it expertly. And the fact that the album is as long as it is (fourteen tracks as mentioned earlier) only makes it a more beneficial purchase for a would-be fan.
Sadly, this review is going to be fairly short, but I will try to be blunt and efficient.
Do I consider this a good album? No, since the genre itself is not for me.
Would I recommend it to other? Yes, in fact I already have. If you are a fan of good, modern Rock music, Mr. Pollack is not a band to miss.