Category 7 – Category 7
8th August 2024
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12th August 2024Misanthropik Torment – #KillYourLocalPedophile

Label: Misanthropik Records / Release date: 4th July 2022
From Lexington, Kentucky hails Misanthropik Torment. A couple of years ago we have presented this American duo to our readers, but for those still unfamliar with this duo, I can tell that Misanthropik Torment is; Ěrik Lęviathan (vocals/lyrics/producer) and Jonathan Nesbitt (all music).
Back in 2022 it was a review of their Murder Is My Remedy, but this time they return with another 10-tracker record entitled #KillYourLocalPedophile. At first you might think what a ridiculous title for a metal record, but if one have followed their musical adventure so far one would know that Misanthropik Torment’s sole purpose is to stand against tyranny and advocate for the execution of all terrorists, nazis, alongside of rapists and pedophiles! Their message has always been clear; ‘We Must Kill Them!’.
These guys are not joking as they no longer want to sit back in the shadows quietly observing the sickness of humanity! Their war continues with this another 2022 recording where duo’s black/death sound is naturally still brutal, both lyrically and musically. It has most of the elements of the old-school death metal, but done in the extreme way, with additional black metal influences. Thus one can say that their sound is a unique blend of man-hating death metal mixed with some truly unique elements of extreme metal, where the music is full of passion and anger where I think that the band wants to encourage a genuine reflection.
Vocals are great and the Erik manages once again to transmit a clear message in his lyrics. Main target this time are pedophiles, and an attempt to stop them hurting more innocent victims. Apart from angry and and gore-streaked vocals, one can hear some heavily distorted guitars and bass, stripped drums – all with a decent old-school, raw and well-partnered production.
While listening to this particular album from Misanthropik Torment I felt emotionally uncomfortable/uneasy and disgusted. I believe it’s the main goal with their music, to make the listener angry, to make them think deeper about sick things happening every day all over the world. Their overall sound is dangerous and extreme, but with additional melodic rhythms and a few calmer sections. So I guess there’s something for everyone, even for pedophiles who should be afraid!
Thanks to Jonathan Nesbitt, #KillYourLocalPedophile is one of Misanthropik Torment’s most raw and old-school recordings. If you are a fan of Pungent Stench, Brujeria, Carcass, Sarcofago or Venom etc. you’ll definitely appreciate the latest release from Misanthropik Torment.
For more information on this particular release visit https://misanthropiktorment.bandcamp.com/track/kill-your-local-pedophile