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21st January 2020
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22nd January 2020Mars Red Sky – The Task Eternal

Label: Listenable / Release Date: 27th September 2019
Mars Red Sky is a Stoner Rock trio formed thirteen years ago in Southern France. In that time they have released four Full-length releases, with the latest of which hitting store shelves just last year. Their newest release is entitled The Task Eternal and consists of eight tracks, ranging in length between four and eight minutes – Each of which is characteristically slow, bass-dominated and kept in a mellow, nearly monotone delivery. In many ways Mars Red Sky draws parallels to the Stoner bands of the 70’s (which I have no doubt is deliberate) such as early Black Sabbath and Blue Cheer – Just somewhat slower overall.
While I will admit to having next to no references available for this particular style of genre (and next to to experience with similar bands overall) I will admit that Mars Red Sky did produce an easy-listenable and very slow-paced record with The Task Eternal – As ”The Proving Grounds” below will no doubt attest to.