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30th October 2023Lunar Tombfields – An Arrow To The Sun

Label: Les Acteurs De l'Ombre / Release Date: 6th October 2023
Lunar Tombfields (named after a song by German Death Metal act Venenum) is a French Atmospheric Black Metal duet with apparent roots going back to the original COVID pandemic, marking their inception as a musical outlet somewhere around three years ago. In that time they have, under their local label LADLO, so far released two Full-Length records – The newest of which entitled An Arrow To The Sun.
I seem to recall having a very strong positive opinion about the bands debut album, which a quick search through our archives online quickly proved to be the case. Back then I went into detail about how I enjoyed their particular style of Black Metal as well as mentioned (a few times upon reflection, apparently) how impressed I was that they managed to so succesfully ‘jump genres’ as it were, both members having extensive backgrounds within various Death Metal acts. Now, a year later, I am continuously impressed by their efforts and talents – Second record in as many years hold up just as well as its predecessor with the atmosphere weaving its net tightly and expertly around us, the listeners, bathing us in its fluidity.
The drums are relentless, a perfect backdrop for the soundscape to be built on, the (undistorted I might add) guitar riffs rolls and crashes around said backdrop; Picking up, evening out and, indeed, surging across you, whatever best suits the needs of the gravelling, unrepentant vocals.
Continuing the trend set by the previous record, An Arrow To The Sun is sadly not a concept album with an intertwining, ongoing narrative – Had it been, I would have had almost no doubt about it being my album of the year due to my love of that particular approach. Instead, the record consists of six self-contained tracks, with one of them serving as a three minute long introduction, the rest of them averaging around the eight to nine minute mark. And despite my minor gripe metioned above, it does add up to forty-six minutes of near-constant, everflowing and soul-enticing Atmospheric Black Metal, further brazened by the curt, efficient approach that I have come to identify with and love about the Black Metal scene in France as a whole.
All in all I suppose I can best sum up Lunar Tombfields thus: The duet, being very talented and experienced musicians, has set their sight upon the Atmospheric Black Metal genre in France and are seemingly hellbent upon leaving their mark upon the proverbial stage – Making consistently good strides in doing so, with now two back-to-back excellent records as their calling cards. And while the overall intention behind either album does not seem to be to necessarily listen to the records in their entirety everytime – Each track, such as ”As Iron Calls, So Pile The Dreams” are more than excellent in their own right – It is still my chosen method of enjoying the band and as such I will be linking to the record in its entirety below.
Last time around I recommended the band for fans of Diadem Of Dead Stars, Wodensthrone and Wolves In The Throne Room; That is still the case, as well as fans of their kinsmen Sordide.