Nonpoint – Miracle
20th July 2011
Dream Theater – A Dramatic Turn Of Events
1st September 2011Leprous – Bilateral

Label: InsideOut, Release date: 22nd August 2011
Jeff Jordan’s gorgeous cover serves as an appropriate packaging, Leprous’ second album, Bilateral. Much like the painting, the young Norwegian progressive band delivers a beautiful, complex and fresh opus.
Over the past decade or so, the term prog has been used and misused more and more, and often it seems that any rock/metal band with few songs over the 6 minute and few odd time measures would get labelled as Prog. Personally, I see prog to be an approach to making music which is open, experimenting and daring, regardless of how long the songs are.
No matter what’s your definition of prog, Leprous will fit into it. Their music is a mixture of just about anything that has been going on in Rock/Metal genre over the last 4 decades. The best thing about this album is that none of the countless inspirations seem forced, calculated or futile – no, they just feel creative and genuine.
With very few exceptions, the songs flow with a purpose and each part (regardless if it is unpretentious or complex) has a purpose.
Songs like “Thorn”, “Painful Detour” and the title track are flawless display of this band’s talent, emotion and creativity.” Forced Entry” is huge, intense and highly complex, but unfortunately towards the end it does lose some focus. “Mb. Indifferentia” is mellow and worthy of any Porcupine Tree album and “Waste Of Air” is Leprous’ ode to black metal, they are Norwegian after all.
Bilateral as a jaw dropping musical ride full of passion delivered by the band who knows how that they keep that simple gist of the music, no matter how complex the material is.