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17th March 2020Left Hand Path – Left Hand Path

Label: Loud Rage Music / Release date: 17th June 2019
Left Hand Path is a progressive & extreme metal quintet from Romania, featuring members of former and current bands like Negura Bunget, Malpraxis, Marchosias and The Hourglass. Despite of the fact that this is only debut 6-tracker EP we are still dealing here with a world class musicians who know how to handle their vocal and instrumental tasks.
As just mentioned, Left Hand Path is a self-titled six tracker EP of what I would call a progressive and extreme metal, even though their base is clearly in death metal. The quintet indeed practice what they preach, following their individual paths and along the way, creating music that is intense and strong as steel. They successfully blend progressive thrash parts with a groove infused death metal delivering it with a merciless precision. The sound is varied yet showcases a complex and demanding time signatures. Vocals are mainly death metal growls with occasional melodic and clean parts. Tempo is varied yet very often mid-tempo. I esp. enjoyed impressive bass work as delivered here.
Production is nice, crispy and just as expected from a modern extreme metal act. It is recorded, mixed, and mastered at Liveset Studios in Cluj, Romania with engineers Doru Cailean and Sebastian Damian. Adorned with artwork created by artist Alexandru Das.
I urge you to experience this relatively short sonic assault! https://www.facebook.com/LeftHandPathRomania