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17th April 2024Kouristus – Demo 2022, Demo 2019 & Teurastamo EP

Label: Visceral Circuitry Records / Release date: 6th March 2024
Kouristus is a grindcore quartet from Tampere, Finland founded in 2012. The band has been active on the stage for many years and now their earned experience resulted in a completely new release from this band from the land of thousand lakes. What we have here is the collection of their Demo 2022, Demo 2019 & Teurastamo EP, now released via Visceral Circuitry! The whole release contains 15 tracks, including some never physically released songs, in a typical grindcore & hardcore punk manner. Thus, all the tracks are very fast and short.
The whole release starts with Demo 2022, which is the band’s manifesto that with two tracks (both in Finnish) and less than three minutes is capable of making very catchy and additive old-school grindcore. Then follows Demo 2019 which is probably the grindest among the three releases. Finally comes Teurastamo EP with eight tracks, and as you can understand from the moniker for their this EP, every track and lyric is written in Finnish, and I can only say that it suits their sound very well.
As for the rest of the material, there’re some pretty decent grinding overdriven bass lines throughout the whole material, laying the foundation of other instruments. Drums are bloody good too with high-speed tempo and numerous blast beats. The riffs and rhythms definitely have a smelly punk touch to it. The guitars are heavily distorted and down-tuned, while the vocals consist of growls, shouts, high-pitched shrieks and some clean parts as well. Actually, all songs are aggressive, and of course well-lubricated with a good charge of energy that is so essential for the genre. In conclusion; the atmosphere is engaging, grinding and captivating.
After few spins of this CD I can tell that it sure has potential and one can hear that we’re dealing with a band that has matured over the years, something that is worth your attention esp. if you’re fan of early grindcore/hardcore/punk and scene giants as Napalm Death, Brutal Truth, Agoraphobic Nosebleed, Nasum, Repulsion, Terrorizer, etc.
Cover art is lovely and fitting perfectly within the whole concept and sound of the band. Production is a lot better than I had expected, it sounds fresh and modern, yet without being too clean or polished.
Demo 2022, Demo 2019 & Teurastamo EP is limited to 50 copies only, so be quick if you want to secure a copy for your private collection. I know that I just hope these grindcore freaks will record something new this year. Until then I’ll give Demo 2022, Demo 2019 & Teurastamo EP a few additional spins.
For more info, be sure to follow them at www.facebook.com/kouristus and order this particular release from https://visceralcircuitryrecs.bandcamp.com/album/demo-2022-demo-2019-teurastamo-ep