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19th March 2021Kommando Baphomet – Blood Gospels Of Satanic Inquisition

Label: Godz Ov War Productions / Release date: 15th November 2019
Dear readers and black metal metal worshippers, due to the absence of any biographical details online, allow me to introduce you to Kommando Baphomet, a two-piece Black/Death act from Lisbon, Portugal. Blood Gospels Of Satanic Inquisition is this duo’s debut album containing eight tracks.
The album opens with a promising intro to “Blood Bible”, with some enjoyable guitar parts and a typical black metal screams, followed by dark and hellish spoken word parts. Alone judging by song-titles you get an idea that we’re dealing here with blasphemous and satanic music. After this promising intro now we move towards second track entitled “Unholy Sites Of Retribution”, mostly known for its deep grunts, roaring guitars and unfortunately also a mismatch of dissonant sounds.
“Chaos Devorador” is a bit better track as their guitarist shows again some amazing guitar skills. A song with longest title “Impious Blackdeath Order Of The Kommando Baphomet” carries on the destruction. Then comes “Seven Holy Virgins”, with its churling guitars and primitive raw vocals. The remaining tracks “Living Hell” and “Irongoat Coronat” are more or less following similar pattern, while album closer “A Thousand Corpses” is not a bad track to wrap up this album as it changes the pace and slows down before building back to a more extreme sound.
Lyrically, Kommando Baphomet rely on clichéd themes for the genre, featuring war, chaos, blasphemy etc. The cover artwork is what you would expect of a Black Metal album, with a standardized goat, pentagram and decaying faces of various people. Overall sound is raw, unposlished and loud while production is somehow rough, gritty and chaotic.
I’m afraid that I have to say, that Blood Gospels Of Satanic Inquisition isn’t an easy listen and the one that I just simply couldn’t enjoy while listening. It has never really grown on me, as I feel a lack of real pattern, structure or variety in the sound enough to make me satisfied. It’s not the best album released by the Polish label Godz Ov War – on a contrary, it’s boring, monolithic and repetitive.
Nevertheless, if you’re a fan of old-school dirty and raw black/death metal with pummeling drums, deep guttural grunts and a decent guitars, then maybe you should give them a chance!
For further info on this particular release visit https://godzovwarproductions.bandcamp.com/album/blood-gospels-of-satanic-inquisition