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21st April 2024Jours Pâles – Dissolution

Label: Les Acteurs De l’Ombre / Release Date: 10th May 2024
Jours Pâles is a French Black Metal duo, one that I have had the pleasure of following since their inception back in 2019; At the time known as Asphodèle, a Post-Black Metal act – The next year they took the name of their first and only release, Jours Pâles, and made it their new moniker while shifting to a more consistent Black Metal sound.
Over the last five years, the number of members as well as whom these particular members were has varied considerably with the only consistent member throughout being Spellbound – The main vocalist, lyricist and current keyboard player. I seem to recall this giving the band the general strength of a one-man band, namely a uniform approach to the type of music they create, the overall vision not being compromised and a certain standard presented throughout. And while I still maintain that this is true, Dissolution, their third Full-length release under their current moniker, does still exhibit growth and change. Namely, a slight return to their Asphodèle roots, with several Post-Black Metal leanings returning (the most noticeable of which for me was the increased use of guitar solos, no doubt included to showcase the skill of Stéphane, the current guitarist of the band). And personally, I welcome this homage – Not only did I enjoy the original record made back in the day, the inclusion of said guitar solos compliment the hoarse growls of the vocalist very well, giving the modern Black Metal sound an additional breath of Punk, taking the atmosphere from being vicious to more angry; A more relatable emotion to most, I am sure. Certainly a universal one that clearly comes across even if, like me, you do not understand even a single word of French.
Dissolution contains a grand total of nine tracks, adding up to forty-five and a half minutes of angry, raw near-Post-Black Metal tinted by the rebellious French streak that I still find to be unparallelled.
Recommended for fans of the newer albums of The Great Old Ones.