Kayser – IV: Beyond the Reef of Sanity
8th August 2016
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10th August 2016Gory Blisters – The Fifth Fury

Label: Sliptrick / Release Date: 22nd May 2014
Gory Blister is an Italian quartet, the first of its kind that I have stumbled across who plays a very technical (and good) Death Metal. Now, normally I prefer my Death Metal very old-fashioned (no surprise there) and as such i usually have very little interest in the more technical versions of the Genre. Gory Blisters, however, seem to be an exception. While they do lack the raw, aggressive sound that many of the older Death Metal acts possess The Fufth Fury still manages to be powerful, angry and stocked with a solo or two. Not that this should surprise me, since the band has been around for a quarter of a decade so far. And in this time, they have released five full-length albums (counting this one), all of them revolving the themes of psychology, thought and space. All in all The Fifth Fury contains eight tracks as well as an instrumental bonus track. The latter of these are clearly out of context with the rest of the album (both because it is an instrumental piece, but also because it is a very slow and calm number), which definitely makes it stand out and noticeable. That being said, however, it is by no means better or worse than the rest of the record in my opinion; It is merely a different means for the band to show off just what they can do. Musically Gory Blisters are very talented, and from what I can surmise after listening to this, their newest release, I can only imagine that they have a fairly large and consistent fan base. After all, I cannot find any band that are exactly like them (probably, by and large, because I listen to very few bands similar to this one). But I definitely plan on listening to tracks such as ”Thresholds” again. All in all this was not at all what I was expecting when I learned that Gory Blister is an Italian band. But I was pleasantly surprised. Only goes to show that you need to be careful about thinking in stereotypes and generalizations.