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29th April 2023Garota – Czarne Wizje

Label: Godz Ov War Productions / Release date: 9th December 2022
What Finland and Norway were for black metal scene in the 90s, it’s Poland nowadays! Garota is yet another black metal act from Szczecin (Poland), a band founded just a few years ago. Garota is a trio, as the band’s current line-up looks like this; Asbiel (vocals & guitars), Sid Fetishious (bass) and Witchfucker (drums). The band released their first EP in 2021, entitled Najstarszy zawód świata (translates to ‘The oldest profession in the world’). It was also my first encounter with the band and their sound that was explosive, aggressive, violent and noisy black metal. A year later this Polish trio released their debut full-length entitled Czarne Wizje (translates to ‘Black Visions’) which contains eight tracks. All of the lyrics are delivered in their native Polish language, shouted and spit out by Asbiel, whose vocals are snarling, filthy and raging. The guitar parts, delivered by the same man, are simplistic, yet pretty effective and destructive, with some tramendous trademark tremolo picking. The bass lines on the other hand are deep, persistant, raging and dynamic throughout this eight-tracker. Finally, drums are hellish with numerous deadly and violent blast-beats. Having said all of this, I want to add that their sound is not completely and pure black metal, as I hear many additional thrash and death metal elements as well.
Thus, from the opening burst of “W Oczach Diabła” (In the Devil’s Eyes) it’s clear that we’re dealing here with a demonic and satanic assault on all of your senses. Next track called “Prymitywne Rytuały” (Primitive Rituals) is the longest track on the record. Third track to be presented on this album is the one called “Czarne Wizje Pełne Krwi” (Black Visions Full of Blood), and it is probably an album highlight, at least for me personally. It is the case mainly due to the superb songwriting and because of this massive and sinister riffage that this track is characteristic for.
Equally, with tracks such as “Płomień Przykrywa Niebo” (Flame Covers the Sky), “Eden Płonie” (Eden is Burning) and “Oczy Golgoty” (Golgotha’s Eyes) the band leaves little to the imagination. But before you think everything is quite simple, primitive and highly approachable here, I can say that the contrary is the case, as there’s a great deal of unpredictability in their sound. Esp. the mention of the closing track, the aforementioned “Oczy Golgoty” serve as a prime example of something that gradually reveals more and more layers the more times you listen to it.
This is visceral stuff, filled with rampaging riffage and sheer brutality that will please all worshippers of the extreme metal. Within those 34 minutes of playing time of Czarne Wizje this angry Polish trio unleash a cacophony of ferocity that I’ll highly recommend for anyone into bands like Midnight, Deströyer 666, Aura Noir, Necropanther, Cadaver and Hellripper. These gentlemen have definitely created an album that is cruel and takes no prisoners!
For more info on this particular full-length go to https://godzovwarproductions.bandcamp.com/album/czarne-wizje