Apotropaico – Reborning
8th May 2024
Transonic Science – Psychobulb
13th May 2024Forever Falling – The Determinism Of Essence In Matter

Label: My Kingdom / Release Date: 17th May 2024
Three years ago I was blessed with the chance to review the first release from then-newcomers Forever Falling (despite both members having significant experience from other genres) – And for the last week, I have been enjoying a stroll down memory lane, seeing where it would take me as the band was kind enough to send me their follow-up The Determinism Of Essence In Matter. And straight off the bat I will admit to being pleasantly delighted by the result.
Now I seem to recall (and had it comfirmed by skimming my review of the former release) generally like the slow and heavily doomed sound that the multinational duo brought to the table – Something they have since then doubled down on, futhering their descent into the Funeral Doom subgenre, one agonizing slow step after another all the while wallowing in the injustice of the world. And personally, I wouldn’t have it any other way.
The music is, like the previous release, well written, composed and produced (no doubt one of the strengths of being a few dedicated artists working closely together – While many great bands support a full ‘live’-set-up as a part of their main line-up, I do seem to have a penchant for the smaller or even single-artist acts). It is kept deliberately slow, never rising above a crawl nor shows any interest in at any point doing so. It is somewhat unyielding in that regard, setting both tone and tempo for us, the listeners, doing their best to drown us in their atmosphere, an approach they put into play with great succes.
The album contains a grand total of six tracks, averaging in length between eight and ten minutes each of them their own self-contained experience – The next one as oppressive as the former. An auditorial onslaught that they keep going relentlessly for fifty-two minutes. And I for one am a sucker for the bleak reality that they convey.
The label that was kind enough to help release this record onto the world compares Forever Falling favorably to other Funeral Doom acts such as Shape Of Despair and Swallow The Sun – And, as fans of particularly the former of these two giants, I can only agree.
Find a cold, dark spot one of these warm spring nights, spin the record and let yourself be immersed – Do not rob yourself of what Italy and the US can do when combined.
And, since I would never expect anyone to believe me merely on my word, the band and record label have been kind enough to release a single to the world – Entitled ”The Touch Of Ice”. Link below, as always.