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12th August 2016DrukNRoll – In The Game

Label: Metal Scrap / Release Date: 17th March 2016
DrukNRoll is a band Russian Heavy Metal band who has been around for ten years now. In that time, they have kept themselves busy, releasing one EP and four full-length albums. The album that I am focusing on today is entitled In The Game and is both the newest record released by the band and the first one with an English title (as opposed to the previous three, including the EP, which all had titles in their native Russian). It is worth mentioning, however, that every last one of the ten tracks present on In The Game have both a Russian and an English title: And from what I can gleam, the songs are performed in a mixture of these two languages as well. An amusing little fact, but not something that neither saved nor ruined the album for me. Musically DrukNRoll have managed to create a very rare sound for themselves by taking a Heavy Metal frame and adding piles and piles of melodic elements to it (which is mostly noticeable through the use of keyboards and sound effects). This, as some of you might now, is something that I generally like and look for in bands; A unique sound shows character and talent, in my opinion at least. However, when a band strays too far from the genre that they started out playing (Heavy Metal in this case), I generally end up being discouraged due to it not resembling what I would usually expect. This is not, per se, the case with In The Game; It is special, definitely, and at the far end of what I would classify as Heavy Metal (but still within the parameters). All in all that made it difficult for me to relate to it. Luckily for me, the last track on the album (”Tears”) made it a lot easier for me: The addition of a bit more emotion and a female vocal track on top of the very powerful, very angry frame that permeaded the rest of the album tipped it into my ‘I like it’ bowl. Sadly, that track is not present on YouTube, so I will instead link to the next best thing: The track ”The Wolf”, which can be found as the very first track on the album.