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17th January 2020Dreamwalkers Inc – First Re-Draft

Label: Layered Reality / Release Date: 25th February 2019 (Re-release)
Dreamwalkers Inc is, in essence, the live version of the band TDW (an acronym for the single individual behind it, Tom De Wit). Originally, as far as I have been able to gather, at least, Dreamwalkers Inc came into being when the one-man band TDW decided to begin touring and playing live at various Prog Festivals around Europe. Now, since this is particularly difficult to go about doing on your own, TDW naturally enlisted help from fellow Dutch musicians some four years ago and set about introducing the Old World to the new Symphonic Progressive Metal being produced by TDW and performed by Dreamwalkers Inc.
Apparently this was such a huge succes that the band name seems to have permanently changed to Dreamwalkers Inc – And last year, they even re-recorded and released the first TDW record (known as First Draft), adding input and feedback from the entire band. This caused the album to change slightly, going from ten tracks to eight (by losing some instrumental tracks) yet still gaining an additional eight minutes of playtime – Every second of which is an interesting blend of Progressive solos and high-pitched vocals as well as a powerful choir and even an emotionally-laden synthesizer to top it all off. Not unsurprisingly, and quite fittingly, this ‘new’ record came to be known as First Re-Draft.
I will admit to never having really taken a shine to this particular genre (Progressive I mean), instead leaving bands such as this one to the expert tutelage of my colleague Zoka – But this time around I got my hands on one of these and I will admit to being very impressed. The energy of the band is very infectious, their talent is obvious and they are certainly not at all afraid of experimenting, both while being recorded, and, I suspect, on stage. I can see why tracks such as ”Innerburn” (to which Layered Reality was kind enough to produce a lyrical video) helped the band rise into prominence, and I have no doubt that I will be hearing more from this Dutch octet somewhere down the line.
Recommended for fans of Tool and Porcupine Tree.