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16th January 2023
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17th January 2023Djevelkult – Drep Alle Guder

Label: Sure Shot Worx / Release Date: 6th May 2022
Originally founded under the name Skadefryd back in 2009, the band quickly changed their name to Djevelkult (the Norvegian word for ‘Devil Cult’). Since that change, the band has released a grand total of seven records, including one Demo, two Splits, a Live Album and three Full-length releases.
The newest of said releases is a Full-length record that was released sometime mid-2022 under the name Dreb Alle Guder (literally meaning ”Kill All Gods”, an apt title for an albnum from a band of devil worshippers I would argue).
Now, as to be expected from an old-school Second Wave Black Metal band (as well as the hints provided both from the bands name and the title of the album), the trio behind the moniker has chosen to, for the most part, keep the tracks in the native tongue – A natural fit considering both the history of the genre as well as the effect the combination of this choice layered atop the fast-paced and distorted yet gritty instruments being used to convey their messages of blasphemy.
Djevelkult is one of those pleasant surprises that pops up on my radar every now and again – While strictly speaking not one of the founding bands of the Second Wave Black Metal bands, they have seen the merits in the overall approach, themes and power of the genre and do what they can to keep it alive and relevant. As such it would be prudent to note that the trio does very little to innovate the genre – But then again, why should they? Plenty of bands are working hard to push the envelope of what Black Metal can and should be – Precious few aim to conserve what works. But not I know of another band that does, quite expertly so.
A little bit of digging proved my suspicions in this regard – All three musicians that make up Djevelkult has a substantial repertoire between them, adding up considerable live experience from nine different comtemporaries of Black Metal, which explains the polished-yet-deliberately-coarse sound they have successfully managed to capture across all eight tracks – Adding up to thirty-four minutes.
Recommended for fans of Den Saakaldte, Tsjuder, Taake and 1349, as evidence see the full album link below.