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27th November 2015
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30th November 2015Days Of Loss – Our Frail Existence

Label: NoiseHead Records/STF Records / Release date: 1st February 2014
Days Of Loss is a melodic death/thrash metal band from Vienna, Austria. The band was founded already in the mid-90s and have a few very succesfull releases in its discography. The latest arrival is a 10-tracker album entitled Our Frail Existence, released via Noisehead Records last year.
From the very first song, the eopening “Prelude” I felt like listening to a new record from Dark Tranquillity or In Flames, as it has many of the same ingredients. But, before you think it’s another In Flames rip-off, I can tell that there’re also a few differences, mainly in the vocal performance, where vocals on this album are a bit deeper and less shouting.
Thus, the aforementioned opener “Prelude” is a song that startsgently and with equally gentle and soft riffing, for soon after to explode into a more aggressive sound. It stands as a contras to “Catharsis”, which is faster and catchier already from the very beginning, yet this one like all the remaining songs have this melodic touch.
First, with fifth track “Endtime” we are getting introduced to a more thrashier sound from the band, and I really dig this track. It shows all the different flavours and elements the band is capable of creating. Meanwhile, my favourite song from Our Frail Existence is a predecessor to “Endtime”, a track called “Await Pain”, which is a mid-paced headbanger with a great guitar solo and ditto chorus.
Of other interesting songs I would just briefly also mention the self-titled “This Frail Existence” which is probably the most ‘modern’ song off this record, with great mix of severe brutality and agression mixed with melodic riffing and terrific guitar work. Most of the remaining songs are enjoyable too, with catchy choruses, infectious riffs and lots of variety and diversity.
Those five metallers from Austria can be really proud of this album and their career so far. It is a solid and consistent record that will please all fans of the genre.
For additional info go to www.daysofloss.com