Selfmachine – Broadcast Your Identity
21st February 2018
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26th February 2018Dauthuz – Destined for Death

Label: WormHoleDeath / Release Date: 24th November 2017
Dutch new-comers Dauthuz is an old-school Death Metal quintet, and one who did their homework quite extensively. At first glance, their debut full-length album Destined for Death, could easily have fooled me into believing that it was significantly older than it actually is. The gravelling vocals, the consistent, relentless power displayed by the guitars and drums in particular and the overall aggressive feel is very similar to what I expect to experience when listening to the masters of old.
This is not very surprising, when looking into the previous projects of the five band members, all of whom have quite the experience performing and releasing Death Metal music while playing for other, not too dissimilar bands – The routines and talents all five of them have picked up along the way therefore definitely work to their advantage, making Dauthuz a very impressive Death Metal act for a band, that has under existed (under said moniker) for the last three years.
Musically, Dauthus brings very little new to the table: They have set out to play hard-hitting and violent Death Metal in the vein of Entombed and Suffocation, only on their own terms, with their own lyrics and concepts – And this serves them to great effect, since they manage to lean upon the collective culture developed, among others, by the two before-mentioned bands, and adding their own discography to it. Dauthuz is a band that I would recommend to any fan of Old School Death Metal (or anyone who likes their music distorted and simple, yet effective).
Destined for Death contains nine tracks and a reprise of one of said tracks; One of these, ”Dying Breed” is a featurette where the lead singer from the band Izegrim lends his voice to the project to great effect. The song that I am going to highlight, however, is the track ”Destined for Death”, the title track. I have chosen this one for several reasons: First, as the title track it is very representative of both what the band has created and helps set the overall tone of the album. Second, the track happens to be my favourite from the release, since it both expertly shows off the talents and direction of the band as well as being the probably most old-fashioned track present on the release. And finally, Dauhutz have chosen to let the title track be the first song on its own album, a detail that I personally applaud.