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24th October 2023Cthulhuss – Obliteration of Souls

Label: Old Temple / Release date: 28th February 2022
Cthulhuss are Polish death doomsters, founded in 2017. Other than this, there’s not much info on this combo, and they seem to live in the deepest and most evil and ugly underground world. In other words; this is obviously a band that worships ancient music, and the rituals that must not even be spoken about. It’s the world of H.P. Lovercraft, so there’s definitely something that binds all the compositions from Obliteration of Souls together. They have drive, sadness and power in them, while the overall song-writing is mature, the handing of the instruments is faultless, and the surrounding atmosphere is rather demonic, cold and dark.
“Visions Of Yog-Sothoth” opens the cult of horror in a perfect manner, containing some dense and frighteningly devastating sounds. If one feels like some aggression and chaos is missing in the first song, they’ll get exactly that in the two following killer & hostile tracks, namely; “The Cave” and “Hubris Hammer”. They both have this kind of sombre beginning, but soon after take on intensity, insanity and brutality. Second half of this album is introduced by my absolute favourite, “Die In The Dreams Of Dead”. I feel as this track is the one that is the most representative of this Polish ‘cult’ and their music. “Obliteration Of Souls” and “Nameless Evil” follow more or less same pattern, with more powerful and devastating sonic assaults on anyone listening to it. The second is actually also a bit sorter, but more powerful and better executed than its predecessor. A fitting closure for this short, but intense and devastating listening experience. Perfect, raspy and dark monster vocals, bare drums, powerful and heavy guitar lifting, and the bass providing the necessary foundation for their basic slow sound, but also by adding some of the (organized) chaos and frightening elements to make it more convincing and authentic.
Obliteration of Souls is a wealthy mosaic of emotions and states. Ethereal atmosphere, the immense creativity, and the artistic character ensues an extreme metal treasure. It feels dangerous and mystical at the same time. While listening to this magical six-tracker offering, you have a feeling of being in a hallucinatory, almost transcendental state.
Enter the world of Cthulhuss and find out more on this particular release at https://oldtemple.bandcamp.com/album/cthulhuss-obliteration-of-souls