Marilyn Manson – WE ARE CHAOS
11th September 2020
Baume – Aout Approche
23rd September 2020Crépuscule d’Hiver – Par-Delà Noireglaces et Brumes-Sinistres

Label: Les Acteurs de l'Ombre / Release Date: 25th September 2020
Crépuscule d’Hiver is, as far as I can tell, a fairly new medieval-styled Black Metal band, hailing from my beloved France (and, as such, I am afraid that I will have to admit that I am most likely going to be partial or even favourable towards the band starting here), taking a modern Black Metal sound and super-imposing it with medival musical traits such as pipes and low, even simplistic female choruses.
The choruses notwithstanding, Crépuscule d’Hiver is a one-man band, one that has been active at least since 2018 (where he released his first ever record, a five track Demo). Later this year, his first official release will see the light of day, carrying the impressive title of Par-Delà Noireglaces et Brumes-Sinistres.
Now, my biases notwithstanding, the band manages to create a very interesting soundscape from a Black Metal base, but shaped through a Folk Metal-like mould – The end result being not unlike late Burzum or even Bal-Sagoth at times (albeit with a more traditional growling vocal than what either of these two examples would otherwise imply). All in all, not something completely new, but definitely a very polished version of a classic – One that I personally will not grow tired of anytime soon.
Lyrically I am likewise told that the music is heavily inspired by, and references, the dark ages and medieval concepts as a whole. But, seeing as how all seven tracks are performed in the musicians native french (and my complete inability to understand said language), I am going to have to take their word for it. Luckily however, the overall experience created through the combined efforts of both the music and lyrical performance is more than powerful enough to be enjoyed even if the language is alien to you.
Another plus in my book as far as this release is concerned, is its runtime – almost seventy-one minutes unevenly divided across seven tracks, two of which are instrumental pieces (one serving as an intro, another as an interlude). Perfect for a long car drive, or to casually throw on your record player one lazy night.
As mentioned above, recommended for fans of late Burzum and Bal-Sagoth.