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6th January 2022Corpus Diavolis – Apocatastase

Label: Les Acteurs De l'Ombre / Release Date: 19th November 2021
Corpus Diavolis is a French Black/Death Metal fusion who can trace their origins as far back as the year 2008 – Since their inception they have released a grand total of seven records, of which four of these can be considered Full-Length albums. The newest of these (as well as the only one that the band released during the recent current events) is entitled Apocatastase; A philosophocal six-piece revolving around the concept and nature of satanism and occultism as a whole, adding up to nearly forty-five minutes of playtime in total.
Now, given the era and chosen musical styles of the quartet, the overall approach of Corpus Diavolis is pretty much a given – Powerful Black Metal styles overlaid with the tempo and riffs of contemporary Death Metal. What appeals to me, a notorious no-mixing-of-the-genres elitist is the manner of how they pulled it off; Succesfully I might add.
Instead of merely choosing a genre and adding the best aspects from another atop of it (as I hinted at being the modus operandi not two paragraphs ago), they merge together the best aspects of both styles of entertainment, creating a healthy, menacing hybrid – As such, as far as I am concerned, I see no real difference between calling them either Black/Death Metal or vice versa.
Now if you, like me, get strong Dissection vibes whenever you hear such a description, you are not far off – The legendary Swedes did make the first example of this approach being viable. That being said however, times have changed and grown more cynical as well as bleak; Which is also evident in the newest offering from Corpus Diavolis. Compared to Dissections releases, Apocatastase is both more powerful, menacing and overall relentless. A clear example of standing on the backs of giants, and expanding even further.
All in all, I get the impression that Corpus Diavolis had a very clear vision in mind when creating this album. And as far as talents, mixing and overall quality of the record is concerned, I have no doubt that they succeeded in creating what they wanted – And, as I gleaned at earlier, it is much to my liking, being no doubt a live band that I will be keeping my eye on. And for once I feel it necessary to point out that the only reason I am not giving it a higher rating is due to the fact that it, while being a prime example of its chosen musical style, it is hardly innovating, nor offers anything new (which is one of our requirements for giving a rating above 90).
Instead, I will give the band the highest praise of being masters of their craft, one I will recommend to all fans of both the French Metal scene, as well as fans of Deathspell Omega and Begerith.