Anthrax – For All Kings
1st March 2016Rimfrost – Rimfrost
9th March 2016Chaos Synopsis – Seasons of Red
Label: Black Legion / Release Date: 30th May, 2015
Eleven years ago today, four well-traveled and experienced musicans banded together to create a new band, one with roots planted firmly in to musical camps: One in Death Metal, the other in Thrash Metal, split evenly between the two. Since their inception, the quartet has released three full-length albums, the newest of which saw the light of day last year under the name Seasons of Red.
Containing nine tracks and having a running total of just above forty minutes, Seasons of Red is a veritable powerhouse of a performance, with Thrash Metal rhythms riddled with Death Metal riffs permeating the entire performance. Now, I am going to be honest and admit that the entire sort of melted together in my ears, making it damn near impossible for me to tell the different tracks apart (something I usually dislike, however, several Thrash Metal bands have managed to make it work), yet in their case, it works in their favour. I get an almost Slayer-like feeling when listening to the album, with sheer aggression merely substituting more of the same, continuously throughout the total spanning time of the record. The drawback of this is that I am completely unable to tell which track I prefer, so I instead opted for linking to the album in its entirety. This drawback is a small price to pay, however, for a good experience, delivered by a very talented band. But mind you, you probably need to be a fan of both Death and Thrash Metal to truly enjoy Chaos Synopsis, at least this particular release.