Deathwhite – Grey Everlasting
1st July 2022
Afterimage – II: Beyond Horizons Infinite
12th July 2022Beyond Mortal Dreams – Abomination Of The Flames

Label: Lavadome / Release Date: 15th April 2022
Here at Metal Revolution we occasionally receive a short description of the records we are sent alongside said albums, where the bands themselves or perhaps even the record label gives some insights into the thought processes and themes behind their releases. These are usually an interesting read and very good to frame an upcoming interview around, but this time I find myself agreeing with a statement for one of these so strongly that I am going to quote it:
‘One can’t reinvent the wheel but can use the wheel and have an incredible ride that can appear familiar but when it’s over it just feel like no other trail before’.
Very apt for Beyond Mortal Dreams, an Australian Death Metal quartet that has been around since the early nineties, albeit originally under the moniker Suffering. Granted, they had a nearly decade long hiatus up intil 2003, but that has clearly done nothing to dampen their vigour.
Returning to that belowed quote above, Abomination Of The Flames, the bands second ever Full-length, was released mid April of this year. Despite that being the case, if you were to randomly put it in among my old-school Death Metal albums and tell me to find the odd one out, I am not sure that I would be able to, judging by the music alone – All seven tracks are massively distorted, fast-paced and relentlessly being pushed forward, drowning the listener in a veritable blast from the past – One teeming with malevolence and blast beats. Just the way I love my Death Metal. And despite all of this reading like just another throw-back nineties album, they somehow manage to do everything ‘by the book’ as it were, and yet create a perfect little time capsule that you somehow have never heard before. In all honesty, to me, the only place where the album shows its more contemporary roots is during the track ”They Are Seven”, where the use of synth instruments become more prevalent and obvious – Yet still very much in line with the rest of the record.
All in all, Beyond Mortal Dreams come across as a very detail-oriented and meticulous band with a very clear goal on mind, perhaps most clearly evident in the fact that thirteen years passed between their debut Full-length and this one.
As far as mixing and releasing goes, it has been done quite expertly so by Lavadome – The music is as crisp as you want this particular genre to be, with every distorted guitar solo and drum hit making the translation to CD and digital media very well. Perhaps a bit clearer sound than if the record had been released back in the day, but certainly nothing that harms the release in any way.
All in all a strong recommendation for any fans of old-school Death Metal such as Morbid Angel, Deicide and Bolt Thrower.