The Lifted Veil – Genocidal Bliss of Heaven
8th April 2024
Mòr – Hear The Hour Nearing!
10th April 2024Åsse – Åsse

Label: Iron, Blood And Death Corporation / Relase Date: 18th December 2023
Åsse, despite being named after the Norwegian name for ‘mountain ridge’, is in actuality an Italian Black Metal Duet (hence the honourable nod to Norway I am assuming – After all, their genre of choice, in its modern form at least, can draw a lot of their inspiration as well as roots to this particular area of Scandinavia).
Neither of the two musicians that make up the foundation of the band have any prior releases nor bands attached to their name that I had been able to find, meaning that their self-titled album Åsse which was released last year, marks the official collaboration of the two. And so far, it certainly is a rather intriguing enterprise.
Musically, the six tracks that make up the record are each in their own right fine examples of what modern Black Metal sounds like for better or worse – Relentless, distorted, powerful drums matching the intensity of the growls delivered by the lead singer, carrying forth the religious portents and declarations of war. So far, so standard.
What really impressed me on a personal level was actually the nationality of the band – Not only did the Norwegian name throw me off until I delved deeper into what so far exists in and around the band, but the fact that they are Italian was probably the last country I had expected; In no small part due to the fact that both musicians had managed to steer away from the stereotypical approach I often (or, more accurately, nearly always) seem to find in music from this region. Namely, the heavily melodious approach that lends itself very well to Power Metal for instance and, in rare occasions, Black Metal (Dawn Of A Dark Age comes to mind as a rather current example).
None of this is true across as much as a single second of the twenty-seven minutes of unadulterated anger that is Åsse – It is well-mixed but still suitably rough around the edges to clearly convey its intentions of sheer, focused malice, channeling the likes of Afsky and Angantyr. Definitely a recommendation for fans of modern Black Metal.