MILF – More Than You
6th June 2016
Gabriels – Fist of the Seven Stars Act 1 – Fist of Steel
8th June 2016After Apocalypse – After Apocalypse

Label: Atomic Stuff / Release Date: 6th November 2015
After Apocalypse is an Italian six-piece that have set out to create their own symphonic style of music using combinations that have been seen before to some extent, yet with a few tweaks. For instance, the band contains an opera-trained lead singstress (which has been seen in early Nightwish) as well as a growling male doing back-up vocals (which can be found in almost countless bands). This is coupled by an overall symphonic (as mentioned before) approach, which can be seen most clearly through the addition of a clarinet, an instrument that I personally have never before seen in any type of Metal band (to my knowledge, at least – I suppose I could have missed it). But what does this approach sound like I can almost hear you ask? Well, not surprisingly, it is built up around a Gothic Metal frame (an excellent choice is you ask me), and then coupled with said clarinet which fills up the music to a surprising extent. This single instrument really does help give the Nightwish-based start a near-After Forever gist to it (both due to the growling vocals and the additional instruments). However, it would not be fair to compare After Apocalypse to either of these bands, since they have chosen (as I have tried to describe above) a middle ground between the two; Which means that each of the two bands have aspects they do better. However, After Apocalypse (which is also the name of this, the bands first ever release) also contains several passages where the opera, symphonies and even the growls unite together to impose upon the listener great Gothic musical landscapes, ones, that you are drawn to walk across. My favourite ‘landscape’ if you will of the ten tracks present on After Apocalypse is entitled ”Crying Moon”, and it has everything that I expect from a track released by such a band: A slow, melodious build-up that intensifies, yet never really rises to a roar and at the same time takes you for a ride (quite a poetic description if I do say so myself – Do not worry, it will most likely not happen again).