TesseracT – One
1st March 2011
Warrant – Rockaholic
1st May 201141Point9 – Still Looking For the Answers

Label: ProgRock Records / Release date: May 3rd 2011
Still Looking For the Answers is a début album form 41Point9, but what we have here is a group of rather musically experienced gentlemen. Consisting of Bob Madsen (Enchant, Xen), Brian Cline (Enchant) and Kenny Steel the band is also joined by the likes of Nick D’Virgilio, Jimmy Keegan (both of Spock’s Beard), and Dave Weckl (Chick Corea).
Everything about this album screams experience, professionalism, dedication and nonetheless extreme sense for detail. This goes for their music, production, packaging, performance and even the 37 pages long liner-notes/lyrics, which can be downloaded form their website.
The record flows smoothly partly due to just well written songs and performance, but also thanks to flawless production. Music leans mostly to prog pop and AOR and as such it’s easy to swallow. Still there are number of layers and twist on the record, and simply fabulous arrangements. So there is plenty to sink you teeth into and at the same time this record is easy to digest for anyone who’s not really interested in music – meaning that it will not bother them like for instance Tool record might do. But these individuals will never get the best aspects of this record because they lie in arrangements, twist and the flow of songwriting and performance.
The band might still be looking for the answers, but judging from the cover they found the way to prevent slice of buttered bread to always land butter side down. They simply strapped in the back of a cat, who we know always lands on its feet. Now that creative on so many levels and so is this record.