28th June 2016

Clawfinger, 25th June 2016, Helviti: Copenhell Festival, Copenhagen, Denmark

Clawfinger, 25th June 2016, Helviti: Copenhell Festival, Copenhagen, Denmark 4/10 Clawfinger - 4/10 Photo: Urban Mescalero Photography www.urbanmescalero.com First concert at main stage on the last day of Copenhell was somewhat of a blast from […]
27th June 2016

King Diamond, 24th June 2016, Helviti: Copenhell Festival, Copenhagen, Denmark

King Diamond, 24th June 2016, Helviti: Copenhell Festival, Copenhagen, Denmark 6/10 King Diamond - 6/10 Photo: Urban Mescalero Photography www.urbanmescalero.com People often use a certain saying about the music – either you love it or […]
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