25th June 2018
Photo: Urban Mescalero Photography www.urbanmescalero.com Over the course of a past decade German trash legends have experienced something of a revival. This is largely due to general rise of trash metal with giants like Metallica, […]
24th June 2018
Alice In Chains, 22th June 2018, Helvíti, Copenhell Festival, Copenhagen, Denmark 8/10 Alice In Chains - 8/10 Archive photo: Urban Mescalero Photography www.urbanmesclero.com (Photographers were banned from Alice In Chain’s Copenhell show) I had pleasure […]
24th June 2018
Deftones, 22th June 2018, Helvíti, Copenhell Festival, Copenhagen, Denmark 7/10 Deftones - 7/10 Archive photo: Urban Mescalero Photography www.urbanmesclero.com Each major rock movement has some noteworthy bands that don’t fit the genre descriptions, but still […]