Symphony of Sweden (Sweden)
24th August 2021
Melancholic Seasons (Germany)
13th October 2022Melting Eyes (The Netherlands)

Interview with Ben Ubert (guitars) and Pier Segaar (guitars & vocals)
Thanks to Marieke Jonkers from ‘Oldskull Promotions’, I got introduced to a Dutch death metal quartet, Melting Eyes. Just recently the guys did a CD-release party introducing their newly released debut EP entitled My Final Resting Place. Soon after the release party, Ben & Pier sat down in order to introduce the band and their debut release to the readers of Metal Revolution Webzine.
Metal Revolution: Greetings to The Hague and The Netherlands as a whole. Thank you for taking your time talking to Metal Revolution Webzine.
Melting Eyes: Of course no problem, thank you for interviewing us.
MR: For the readers yet unfamiliar with your band, would you please briefly introduce your band and tell us something about the very beginning.
Ben & Pier: We are a Dutch Old School Death metal band, founded in 2017. We all knew each other for a long time and we were at the same moment looking for something new for ourselves. We all played in other bands, but still love to make old school death metal.
MR: You’ve just recently made a debut EP entitled My Final Resting Place, right? What can you tell us about the recording process but also a bit on tracks presented on this EP?
Ben: Sure, we were given the chance to record our EP at a friend’s self made studio. We were initially aiming to make a demo, but after hearing the result we decided to release it as an EP. The recording was done in two long weekends at Studio Moerwijk. After this the mixing and mastering were done by Quinten from Studio Moerwijk and Pitchnote’s Jory Hoogeveen. We picked out the song we thought were our best songs at that moment. All songs tell about the darker themes of life. Lots of death, Insanity, war…
MR: How many copies were released and which medium was used for this new EP (CD, digital, vinyl, cassette)?
Ben: The first batch counted 350 physical CD’s, which mostly are gone now. We have some digital sales via bandcamp. We are planning to do a tape release soon, probably with Brutal Insanity Records.
MR: Which song of My Final Resting Place happens to be your favourite?
Ben: I like all the songs, but I think “Bringer of War” is my fav.
MR: Is everything self-made? Also this, I dare to say, typical death metal cover? Who’s responsible for that part?
Ben: The songs are written by me and Pier and finished together during rehearsing, so everybody has their part in it. The artwork is made by an artist we have close connection with, we can’t draw that well ourselves.
MR: What drove you to create death metal?
Ben: The love for end 80’s begin 90’s Death metal.
MR: You’ve been promoted lately by Oldskull Promotions from The Netherlands, too. Have you been in touch with any major death metal label?
Ben: Sad story, but we were discussing a deal with Immortal Soul Productions, but unfortunately Juro Harin (R.I.P) passed away. We still are open for a label and hopefully Oldskull Promotions can help us with that.
MR: Who’s responsible for writing lyrics in your band? Where do you guys find inspiration for it? Is it through books, historical events or maybe even in your hometown where The International Criminal Court is placed there?
Ben: (Laughing), …well I think it is all Pier who’s doing the writing of the lyrics, because he has to sing them too.
Pier: Yes, all of my inspiration comes from the international criminal court, lyrically or otherwise! How did you guess? (Laughing) All kidding aside: I draw inspiration from many sources including books, films, philosophy & real life (often the craziest).
MR: We’ve just been through this pandemic, but have you had a chance to perform live yet, and do you have any touring plans?
Ben: We just did the CD release party in our home town which was nearly sold out and last year we did a special Covid-show for people only on seats. First and last time hopefully. Next show will be in Volkel (NL) with our friend from KLONT.
MR: Which other bands, old or new, do you enjoy listening to or admire? Is your playlist restricted to death metal or do you also listen to bands across a plethora of genres?
Ben: Me and Marco listen mainly to all kinds of old school death metal bands, especially the classic ones (Death, Bolt Thrower), Pier has a very broad taste of metal, loves also the more technical stuff.
MR: Thank you for your time mate. Hope we can get to hear more from Melting Eyes in the future!
Ben: Yes, thank you too.